To make a financial contribution to the Food Drive, scan the QR code or click the button.
$1 = 3 meals = 3.6 pounds of food
What exactly is a food drive?
A food drive is an organized effort by individuals, families or groups to collect food and grocery product, usually within a given time period, for donation to the hungry.
Why have a food drive?
There are all too many people here in New Jersey who have been left behind despite economic growth — the child from a low income family, a family often headed by a struggling single parent — the elderly woman living on tea and toast toward the end of the month in order to meet the rent — the working poor struggling to keep the family together, the unemployed, the disabled, the abused, the homeless.
What role does the Community FoodBank of New Jersey fill?
The Community FoodBank solicits food donations in order to warehouse and supply food and grocery product to New Jersey charities that carry on the vital work of feeding our less fortunate neighbors.
Where does the food go?
Food is supplied to feeding programs at some 1,500 non-profit charities in 19 New Jersey counties. The charities include soup kitchens, food pantries, shelters, food banks, after school programs and senior centers among others. Many of those who are helped require temporary assistance — a hand up due to a sudden illness, a loss of a job or some other catastrophe. Others, because of their circumstances, will always require assistance.
Are some foods more desirable than others?
Yes, canned and non-perishable items are desirable primarily because of their long shelf life. High protein items are preferred. Please see the “Most Wanted” list.
Will I really make a difference?
Absolutely! The assistance that The Community FoodBank provides would simply not be possible without the help of concerned people like you. Together, we will make a difference.