IssuesWatch Podcast

This timely podcast covers the latest issues impacting CPAs and accounting professionals in New Jersey. Topics range from legislative initiatives to accounting and auditing updates, to economic issues and more.

All episodes appear below. Instructions for subscribing to the IssuesWatch Podcast are at the bottom of the page. 

NEW! The bi-weekly A&A Update episodes qualify for nano CPE credit! Each episode is 0.2 CPE credits, or a package of five episodes (one CPE credit) can be purchased.
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  • IssuesWatch Podcast

    Succession Planning: Maximizing a Business’s Value

    February 27, 2024
    Selling a business involves meticulous planning and strategic actions long before the “For Sale” sign goes up. Accountants play a pivotal role in helping clients with initiatives that can significantly boost the value of their company over several years. NJCPA member Sal Schibell, CPA, discusses strategies aimed at maximizing a business’s value years before the sale.
  • IssuesWatch Podcast

    Are 150 Hours Too Many?

    February 13, 2024
    The 150-credit-hour requirement for CPA licensure is the topic of much debate. We recently surveyed more than 1,000 NJCPA member about the topic. Hear what they had to say about whether new hires without 150 hours pursue CPA certification, whether there are any discernable skill differences among candidates with 120 hour versus 150 hours, whether there should be alternatives to the 150 hours, and more.
  • IssuesWatch Podcast

    Greenhushing: Delving Into the Anti-ESG Movement

    January 30, 2024
    ESG – environmental, social and governance – is considered by some to be a buzzword or a “woke” issue, while others see it as a business imperative. As a result, some companies are “greenhushing,” opting to stay quiet about their sustainability goals. In this episode, Andrew Winston, a leading expert on sustainability and corporate strategy, talks about the anti-ESG movement and the important role that CPAs can play in ESG reporting.
  • IssuesWatch Podcast

    TCJA Sunset Countdown: Plan Now for Expiring Provisions

    January 16, 2024
    It might seem like yesterday that the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act went into effect, but the expiration of some of the provisions is on the horizon. Find out about the key provisions that impact businesses and individuals that are set to expire in the next couple of years - and what can and should be done now to prepare. We also discuss what might happen with these provisions based on various possible outcomes of the November 2024 elections.
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